It’s been a hard few weeks in the Hills, and we have been in shock over the past week.
Our beautiful region, like many in Australia at the moment has been devastated by fire.
We have lost around 30% of our Lobethal vineyard (Schoenthal) due to the fires and the damage that they caused. This would usually make up 100-150 tonnes of wine grapes which is equivalent to 7000 dozen. Our Schoenthal vineyard is one of the most premium vineyard in the Adelaide Hills, meaning we sold fruit from this vineyard to other Adelaide Hills brands, most of the fruit from the damaged blocks were sold to 3rd parties, thus will have a limited effect on our branded Howard Vineyard wines. We were planning to use these blocks over the coming years for growth of our own wine production.
We were lucky to have no damage to the Howard Vineyard Cellar Door site, meaning our beautiful Cellar Door, function space, restaurant and gardens are still able to trade and be enjoyed by our loyal customers.
Word cannot describe the debt we owe to some of our vineyard team; Mark, Sharon, Jessie, Tom and all our neighbours, who have saved most of our vineyard, without them it would have been completely lost. The efforts of the CFS and emergency services is nothing short of heroic and the community spirit is very bright. As our community comes together to heal we are hearing amazing stories of bravery and sacrifice on what will be remembered as one of the worst day in many of our lives. HEROES!
Fires raged on all sides of our property and our friends fought for several days with continued spot fires across the Hills.
It’s a great opportunity for us to rebuild and bounce back better and stronger than ever.
The best way you can support us is to continue doing what you already do for us and act as brand ambassadors on our behalf and of our beautiful region. Other ways to support us include:
- Attend our 2020 Crush event – Peach on the Beach. Grab a group of mates, jump on a bus and support the entire region.
- Join the Clover Society, our wine club and support us into the future. Make sure you cellar is always full of Howard Vineyard wines (at the best possible price)
- Visit our Clover + Stone Restaurant – serving lunch Wednesday – Sunday 12-3pm
- Visit our Cellar Door and purchase wine – Wednesday – Sunday 10am-5pm
- Purchase a Gift Voucher online and share the Howard Vineyard love with Friends and Family
- Consider Howard Vineyard for your next private or corporate function.
We are looking forward to a strong vintage with the fruit that remains on our Schoenthal vineyard and our Howard vineyard and producing some cracking wines.
Thank you all for your ongoing support.
Tom Northcott and the Howard Family.
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